fredag den 24. januar 2014

Changing host families

So today we are off school because there is ice on the road, and nobody have to learn how to drive on ice so, the school was closed today.
So between christmas and new years my host family came and told me that they wanted me to move out, i was very chocked and i didn't really know how to act. It was extremely hard on me. Well i called my coordinator who calmed me down a little bit, she told me that it would be a good idea, to try and see if any of my friends or teachers would like to host me. So i texted my friend Claire, who was in Thailand at that time, and i asked her if she and her family would like to host me. After a half day she texted me bake saying that she would love to host me, but that they of course had to get home from Thailand first. they came home on the 5th and then i could move in on the 6th. I was supposed to stay with my family until i could get to my new family, but i ended up living 2 days at two of my other friends house, which was really great. In the morning on the 6th, my coordinator came to pick me up, and drove me to my new host family. So here i am, and i am so happy here. My new host family is so sweet, and some super positive people. I live with the Brady family, who consist of a mom, dad and 2 kids. I cant wait to make a lot more memories from Texas with my new family! <3

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